Monday, January 28, 2013

14 Days No Wine

In an attempt to impress my doctor at my annual physical I challenged myself to two weeks with no wine.  My vanity has prompted me to lose weight this year and I thought this would be a great start.  I can not believe how many fun invitations I had to turn down!  I do not have the will power to go out AND say no to wine.  The upside to turning down wine is that you also tend to cut out restaurant food which is excellent for my diet.  Luckily with all the sacrifice came results, thank goodness!  I am down 9 pounds since this time last year, which did impress my doctor.  In two weeks with no wine and minimal restaurant food I was able to lose 3.1 pounds.  This is a lot  for me!  I have no desire to become a teetotaler so my current goal is to drink wine and eat out only one time per week.  A girls gotta have fun, right?

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