Sunday, May 18, 2008

I Got to See Barack Obama!

I just got home from the Barack Obama rally in Portland. It was amazing! I have never attended a political event before. I got an e-mail on Thursday announcing the waterfront rally for today and I decided I had to go for it. It was the perfect day for an outdoor event and everyone was really getting into the spirit. The turn out was huge! The news estimated about 50,000 people would attend. The doors opened at noon and Obama didn't speak until 2:30. I got in line at 10:30 and wasn't even close to the front of the line. It was totally worth it! The whole family was there and he gave a great speech. I am really looking forward to having the democratic nominee chosen. I am ready for change I can believe in. After today I am even more confident that Obama can do it! Hopefully I will be able to post the pictures I took in a couple of days.

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