Monday, February 17, 2014

Restaurant Addicts Diet: I Spoke Too Soon

UGH!!!  I just can't seem to get myself on track.  My excuses have gone as such; Super Bowl, snow storm and now Valentines Weekend.  We are talking about moving, so you know I'll use that excuse whether we move or not!  In fact, I combined Valentines Day and a possible move for happy hour at Jake's Grill and a trip to City Target this Saturday.  It was so great!  It really was worth it even though I'm up 4 pounds from when I started this experiment of eating out less.  Today is Monday, and the one thing that Monday is good for is starting fresh.  I'm on track with breakfast and lunch and I had to walk today and will again this afternoon.  That just leaves dinner and I used all my salad supplies yesterday, so I do need to stop at the store.  I guess we'll see how it goes.

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