Monday, December 29, 2014

A Short Look Back Then On To The Future

I would imagine most everyone that posts is planning some type of year end recap, so here goes mine.  I would say that 2014 was a good year, not a major stand out, but pretty damn good.  I didn't have any big events good or bad and sometimes that's a good thing.  It was all about being and doing which is my favorite.
I celebrated my 10th wedding anniversary, and I love him more than ever.  I participated in my 5th Portland to Coast Relay, and moved to our ideal neighborhood.  My husband and I have avoided major illnesses and I even had a mole removed that had caused years of speculation.  The scar looks way better than the mole did so that's awesome. 
I did not lose any weight at all this year!!  How can that be possible when that is my number one goal?!  On the upside I didn't gain any either.  The fact is I must not have wanted it that bad.  With a trip to Hawaii in two months you better believe I'm starting to care a lot!  I do love a good New Year kick start for a great dose of motivation.  This will be our first trip to Hawaii together and I am so excited!!  The Keto diet is going to be key to the weight loss success of my team.  Of course I have put my husband on a diet too, misery does love company.  Side dishes are the hardest part of low carbohydrate meal planning for me.  I am a pasta and potatoes kind of girl!  My goal is to find great dishes and share them here in case anyone else is having the same problem.  UGH!!!!  I have got to get it together and fast!  Go team!

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